Intro to Integral Mindfulness & Meditation

Tired of McMindfulness? Are you interested in becoming more aware of your bad habits and growing them into good habits? Learn to apply pure awareness to optimize your life. See yourself and others from multiple perspectives for a wider lens of life, work and relationships.
Every spiritual and psychological tradition holds a piece of the truth. How about a framework for putting them together into a coherent whole?
- Take your mindfulness practice deeper.
- Apply the practice and insights of meditation to the whole of your life.
- Experience awakening.
When: June 15, 2019, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: To be determined, Richmond, VA 23236
Cost: Early registration by May 15th is $125; after $150. Lunch included.
Questions: Contact Me
Facilitators: Don Koehler, PhD, Integral Clinical Psychologist at Mynd Matters Counseling, Newfield Leadership Coach, and Rinzai Zen lay priest.