What Is ‘Integral’ Coaching?
What is Integral Coaching?
An Integral Coach brings all relevant perspectives in addressing client change and growth. An Integral Coach helps clients become aware of how they are seeing a situation as limited, then uncovering new possibilities and building new competencies to achieve desired results. Integral coaching involves a comprehensive approach to looking at the client’s life and unique developmental needs and includes a process for stepping outside of oneself.
This coaching process involves a holistic approach of multiple perspectives: an interior or subjective perspective (beliefs, values, priorities, personality, styles, stages of intelligence) and an exterior or objective perspective (behaviors, performance outcomes) and collective perspectives– the relationships, interpersonal and cultural contexts and the systems (organization structures, business systems) that are impactful. This approach considers the whole person with a systematic and integrated way of assessment that allows for a unique and personalized program for each client.
Why Integral Coaching?
To enable deep and lasting change in my clients that will bring transformation to individuals, relationships, organizations, and businesses, and multiply the effect of making positive contributions for a better world.