Integral Leadership Coaching Assessments
Studies show that formal 360-degree assessments, which incorporate systematic, anonymous observations of your behavior by people who work with you, do not correlate well with IQ or personality type. They are, however, the best predictors of a leader’s effectiveness, actual business performance, engagement, job and life satisfaction. The following two leader assessments are frequently used in the process of leadership development coaching.
- LCP 360 The Leadership Circle Profile 360, developed by Robert J. Anderson, provides focused competency feedback while revealing any underlying assumptions about a leader’s pattern of strengths and limitations. The Leadership Circle Profile helps leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think, how they behave, and more importantly, how all this impacts their leadership effectiveness. Once this awareness is established, leadership development can proceed. Without it, change rarely happens. The Leadership Circle Profile is the only instrument that measures the two primary leadership domains – Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies – and integrates this information so that key opportunities for leadership development immediately rise to the surface. Administered and debriefed by a certified cractitioner who specializes in your industry and organizational needs, the Leadership Circle Profile assessment and debrief process is tailored to every individual’s development.
- ESCI 360 The Emotional and Social Competency Inventory is a commercially available assessment, co-designed by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and the Korn Ferry Hay Group ,to gauge the 12 EI competencies which rely on how others rate observable behaviors in evaluating a leader. The larger the gap between a leader’s self-ratings and how others see them, the fewer EI strengths the leader actually shows, and the poorer the business results.
Also helpful and used with most coaching clients:
- MAP The Maturity Assessment Profile is a qualitative assessment of a client’s self or ego development.
- Enneagram This helps identify core personality type for identifying key strengths and weaknesses.